Master of Shamanism Final Essay By Dennis Zerull As always I thank the ULC Seminary for offering this very insightful course and thank Bishop Pat for his passion and obvious extensive research on the subject of Shamanism. It is a very resource intensive course and even after completing it, I cannot truly claim that I am a master of Shamanism even if the course title states so. I humbly defer that title to the courses author. With that being said, I will attempt to add whatever insight I have gained by taking this course in hopes that it may benefit others who may read this essay. Based on my limited experience on the subject, I can confidently say that the teachings and instructions on Shamanism continue to be relevant and useful today as they have been for thousands of years. As a young man growing up in the four corners area of the United States I spent many hours and even days in the area that is now known as Mesa Verde National Park. I had the opportunity to work with professionals who were involved with discovering the mysteries of the Pueblo or Anasazi people and why they vanished from the face of the earth without leaving any clues whatsoever. To this day Anthropologists and Archeologists have barely scratched the surface of this mystery, however Holy Men or Medicine Men have kept many of the ancient traditions alive passing them from ancestor to ancestor in practice and lore. How they acquired this knowledge may be the secret of Holy Men long gone from this existence. I often wonder as I walk through the ruins of ancient cliff dwellings and Kivas and look at the walls decorated with petroglyphs what secrets they hold. I do so in reverence at this sacred place. Certainly Shamanistic practices are claimed to predate all organized religions back to the Paleolithic, and Neolithic period. As recently as November 2008 the discovery of a 12,000 year old site in Israel is regarded as one of the earliest known Shaman burials. An elderly woman was found arranged on her side with her knees open and tucked buried with unusual grave goods that included 50 complete tortoise shells, a human foot and certain body parts from various animals. It would suggest that she had a connection with her spirit animals. This grave is just one of at least 28 at this site located in a cave in lower Galillee belonging the Natufian culture. In this course the author makes reference to the Shaman as being the intermediary between the human and spirit worlds. Certainly the Shaman is a person who is an expert in keeping together the multiple codes through which a complex belief system appears, and has a comprehensive view on it in their mind with certainty of knowledge. The Shaman knows the culture of his or hers community well and acts accordingly. Further given the required degree of self awareness one would ascertain that it would come as no surprise that the Shaman should refer to the minutiae of everyday behavior, all the things that we overlook habitually excusing ourselves with the thought that they are too insignificant to bother about. I would suspect then that in this practice as in Buddhism, it is precisely the small, often subliminal impulses and behavior patterns that require the closet attention. Because some of us are not educated in the ways of the Shaman, myself included, we often tend to make judgments based on ignorance. There are those individuals who are attempting to pass themselves off as Shamans. They are referred to as "Plastic Shamans" in the southwestern United States. They are "Holy people" or self appointed "traditional spiritual leaders". They have no connection to the traditions or cultures they claim to represent. They are seen as exploiters of some knowledge to attain ego, power or money. They will sell fake artifacts or fake traditional spiritual ceremonies to the legitimate curiosity of sincere seekers for personal gain. They come as fraudulent spiritual advisors, seers, healers, psychics or other practitioners of non-traditional modalities of spirituality. They pose a danger to seekers who place their trust in such individuals and harm the reputations of the cultures and communities they claim to represent. As I have written in past essays, I believe that there is good in all spiritual traditions and religion's because they generally promote love, kindness, compassion and altruism. But we must approach in the way of the intelligent person who approaches all matters including faith and devotion with the highest spirit of critical inquiry and do so without falling into traps of fixed ideas or extreme views. In about the year 368 BCE Plato wrote in the Phaedrus that the "first prophecies were the words of an oak and that everyone who lived at that time found it rewarding enough to listen to an oak or stone, so long as it was telling the truth". So I think it wise in my particular circumstance that when it comes to Shamanism I obtain genuine confidence in the nature of mind and reality, grounded in understanding and reasoning. After taking this course I still have skeptical curiosity which may lead me to more inquiry. I am grateful that this course was offered. It gave me a greater insight to the history, beliefs and traditions of Shamanism. "We need a curious mind, drawn toward all possibilities; and when we cultivate that, the desire to deeply investigate naturally arises". The Dalai Lama. ******************************* The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use. The ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
If you wish to become a minister, you can use this online medium to become ordained. Your ordination is free, legal, fast and easy.
Become an Ordained Minister
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Religious Philosophy
Master of Religious Philosophy Lesson 14 - Religious Functionality - Religious Nature. Q.1) What does your religious faith teach you about "others"? Are they to be respected, loved, and honored? Are they to be tolerated? Are they to be viewed as potential converts? Or, are they seen as an imminent threat to the faith? A.) The Holy Bible is full of references of Christian Conduct, and for the most part that understanding boils down to one thing and it would be Christs own commandment to his followers, which should be every person that calls them self a Christian. That one commandment is to love they neighbor as thy self. So yes, other Christians of other orders of faith as well as Non-Christians are to be loved and respected, every human being is to be tolerated to a point and that being that the elders and clergy are to council individuals that aren't acting in a Christ like manor that would be tolerated by the majority of believers of any sect of Christianity. If this is not an effective approach, then the congregation is to place such situation in the Lords judgment and handling of said individual. But also to continually lift in prayer through faith that the situation with said party, might be resolved in a way, pleasing unto God himself. As for the subject of converts, yes any human being on this planet is subject to and a candidate for, conversion to Christianity. Christ himself gave all Christian believers the authority to plant the seed of salvation and encouraged it many times over, throughout the New Testament Bible. Q. 2) Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. At the top of the left side write "God's community", and at the top of the right column write "All life is One". Now, using the quotations given in this lesson, place each of these religions in the column you think best fits their theological and philosophical position: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Shinto, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Jainism, Baha'i, Tenrikyo, and Buddhism. God's Community Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism All life is One Shinto, Hinduism, Confucianism, Jainism, Baha'i, Tenrikyo, Buddhism Rev.Fr.Manley ******************** The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Friday, January 22, 2010
Historical Jesus
Christian History
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Marginalized people in our world
Christian Studies
Dr. of Christian Studies - (The Four Gospels) By Reverend Jim DeManche I would first like to express my thanks to (ULC) and Reverend Amy for this wonderful opportunity to expand my education, and ministry. The time, energy, and spiritual investment in our (ULC Seminary) is priceless, and deeply appreciated. As a Christian minister, I often begin my studies or witnessing with (The Four Gospels). My personal preference is to begin with the Gospel of John. 'The Unvarnished Gospels' which is the text for this course was to me "different". Initially it did take some adjusting to this translation, from what I am used to. My personal favorites are the (NKJV), (NLT), and (NASB). Mr. Andy Gaus the author, has provided an interesting if not "contemporary" translation from the original Greek. This collection of the four gospels is valuable, especially for it's simple format and ease of reading. There is a "spirit" of God's Word that needs to remain consistent with any translation or interpretation of scripture. Some ministers are (KJV)-King James Version only, and believe any other translation is flawed or detours away from the "original meaning". If we are to do what is right, we need to be flexible and understand that not every language has a translation, for every word in English, Hebrew, or Greek! This is why in my opinion, 'The Unvarnished Gospels' is such a good tool. Not only does Andy Gaus do excellent work in translation, but recognizes the reality of dialect in our modern world. The glossary is very useful in clarifying potentially unfamiliar statements. A fine example of this is the use of the word "Behold". The author translates this commonly recognized word to mean "all of a sudden", or "next thing you know", or "just then", etc. Such wording was helpful in relating the original Greek meanings into our modern English usages. During my studies in (The Four Gospels), I appreciated the regular e-mails and thought provoking study suggestions in them. The process of reading the e-mail message, meditating on it, and applying it to the course material was very valuable to me. Often I would refer back to the e-mails when reading both the course text, and my personal Bible. All these aids have helped to expand my spiritual awareness, and academic knowledge of the four gospels. If there is one criticism of this book, it would be the lack of biographical information on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. My belief is that it's important to know who wrote something, as is the accuracy of its translation. The 'flavor' of each gospel defines it's individual authors, and better clarifies the spiritual environment for today's reader and biblical student. Having some background information on all four authors, would help the context of the individual gospel and when it was written. Have I enjoyed and benefited from this course? Absolutely I have. (The Four Gospels) are not only some of my favorite scriptures, but give us an eye witness account of Jesus Christ's ministry on earth. I highly recommend this course to all interested ministers, students of the Bible, or simply the curious lay person. Rev. Jim DeManche ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Wonderful Blessings
******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link! As a longtime member of ULC, we created the seminary site to help train our ministers and our site has created a great ULC Forum. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and some outstanding online seminary courses. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. The ULC Seminary has created an RSS Feed. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and through the magic of the internet, we can post articles and news stories and have them appear right on your personal computer screen through Yahoo, MSN, AOL or Google. It's a great way for you to keep in constant touch with what's new at the Seminary. Please use any of these buttons below, you can personalize your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Try our new free toolbar at: |
Historical Jesus
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Metaphysical Healing
Sorry it has taken me so long to get these to you. I have been quagmired by my recurring Legal Problems and other tasks at home. Now that these are behind me, or nearly completed, I am sending these in. Lesson 14: 1.) Authoritarian Technique employs a "guided" way of relaxing a Client into trance for healing work to begin. I kind of like this because it allows the practitioner to have better control over the healing and for the patient to experience a deeper level of healing. 2.) This technique seems a bit too "cutesy" for my liking. It just doesn't seem to go as deep or as far as authoritarian technique. 3.) I do happen to have one of those boring voices that puts Animals and people alike down for the count, either that, or no one listens to me. 4.) Rhythmic voices just don't do much for me unless it is Native Chant Song. 5.) This is beneficial also in my own work at times. 6.) I hope this works, although likely it does. 7.) This also seems to me not to be too effective. Just seems to be too much "sing song" for my liking. 8.) Silent Pause; now there is something sure to work. Lesson 15: 1.) Progressive Relaxation of the body, creating imagination for deeper relaxation. Enhancing the trance - like state. The Special Place. Concluding the Induction. 2.) By imagining that they are drifting down deeper and deeper helps the client to enter a deeper trance - like state. To help people to further deepen the transe - like state, a count is used that usually goes from 10 - 1. The Special Place the client will choose will be one that is unique to them. 3 & 4.) Yes. People can be uncomfortable or afraid of stairs or elevators. Clients' Subconscious is wide open to suggestion. 5.) I won't be doing this part, as I am not sure what I could possibly say or contribute to this. Lesson 16: 1 a.) Since I have already been regressed, this last life, prior to the one I am in now, was the happiest I can personally recall. The Benefits are deep healing and understanding. Unfortunately, those from my last life, that are "sworn enemies," continue to hound me clear into this life. b.) Possibly not returning from the journey, vulnerability and jitters. Lesson 17: 1.) Love, healing and support, not to be made to feel that they are responsible for making themselves sick, death of a Loved One, etc. 2.) No. 3.) No matter how carefully you may plan a magickal ritual or execute it to perfection, there will always be a "40% unseen" which could affect the outcome. 4.) Growth in world Populaces, changes in food handling, increased transport of animals, changes in human behavior, agricultural evolution, human encroachment on wilderness, people living closer to animals, people with lowered immune systems, etc. Sorry, Global Warming does Not exist, it is a Hoax. 5.) spiritual healing, positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, medical and complimentary therapies, create the perfect matrix to facilitate the healing process. 6.) Diabetes, depression, suicidal tendencies, pollution, noise, stress, pesticides and side effects of medicinal drugs. 7.) Acid Reflux Disease (GERD), causes a burning sensation in the chest, sour acid taste in the mouth. 8.) The "Shadow," consists of all te bad things that have happened to us. It is the storehouse for all unresolved emotional issues. 9.) "We create - interpret - our own experience of reality, but to think one creates all reality is ignoring the fact that we share the physical planet earth together, and planet earth, her winds, waters, mountains and sometimes fires, will mock the human who dares to think he alone creates it all." Lesson 18: 1.) The Healer takes a doll, cares for it, to communicate with the absent patient. 2.) I have a very special way that I effect such healings. I first get an image of the person through my 3rd eye. Then, I go to the affected part of the body, take a visualization of this. I place a ball of White Light Energy around the affected part. I visualize the healing from this energy going deep into the affected part. The person will feel a deep, tingling warmth in the affected part, with relief coming shortly after this. 3.) Exorcism is dangerous because of the possessing entity leaving the body of the afflicted. Also possessing the person who "cast out" the offending entity. 4.) Sometimes entities that attach themselves to people are just lost souls. 5.) A strong Spiritual Leader A minimum of 7 powerful people Two strong men A Doctor A Psychologist 6.) Traditional Healers live in close communion with God and ancestral kingdom. Medical Doctors do not. 7.) Witch Doctors use ibeklo to inflict illness and pain on others. 8.) In tribal life, mental illness, delusions and psychosis are clothes in terms of spirit possessions, witchcraft and sorcery. 9.) Only when the last vestige of web has been destroyed, either by Vomiting or Purging, will the offending entity be vanquished. MB ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
1. What do you think it is about Vajrayana that makes it appeal to so many Westerners? In my opinion it is the possibility that Vajrayana has the potential to achieve enlightenment within one lifetime that lends an appeal to Westerners. 2. Which of the three paths—Theravada, Mahayana, or Vajrayana, appeals most to you? Why? Mahayana appeals most me, especially the Zen teachings. It resonates with me because generally I like to believe that we are all one entity. Yes, we have many names for things and there is much suffering in this world, but in understanding that I see in all people regardless of religious background an ability to change under pressure. This spiritual dexterity, in my opinion is frequently put to the test during crisis through which we as a sentient species constantly rise to a higher vibration causing spiritual revolution. To me the Creator is a loving god and gives us the ability to realize our desires for peace and understanding. In other ways the Creator appears to be cruel, but to me that is just His way of teaching people things and through the process of discovery this is how we unify and support each other. Mother Earth sustains us and asks little in return but we continually abuse Her and profane Her without the respect and dedication that we use the names of the other deities, or the way in which we revere Her. It is my belief that as the 14th Dali Lama said, it is possible to be of one faith and practice the rites of another as well, that we don't give ourselves enough credit for our abilities. Whether one views these concepts through the Christian Holy Trinity, the enlightening of the Buddha or another other spiritual vehicle it is always possible to reach someone who is lost. That is why I firmly believe in the universal salvation we are offered in whatever mood it is delivered to us. I myself know that it is possible to fall very far from the pinnacle of goodly existence and still be given the opportunity to ground myself, center myself, love myself and more importantly light a path for others. I was always told I could do anything and that with my smarts I have the ability to be what I want to be, it is only now after I searched myself and considered the calling I've been given that I realize I always wanted to be a Priest but was too cowardly to accept the mantle. Now that He has called me I live for Him and to make others realize we can live in peace. Gnostic, atheist or whatever disbelievers call themselves they are always willing to consider the idea of a Higher Power which gives them a method to live on eternally if only in their works. My view is that The Creator gives them this methodology as a means of understanding Him directly and in it's way becomes another religion. Mahayana resonates with me because it is structured but not too much so, doesn't involve having to travel to Asia to assimilate and offers a set of rituals that when properly performed provide a great deal of emotional relief and spiritual clarity through understanding the totality of the divine. 3. Are there practices in Vajrayana which could be beneficial to all sentient beings? If so, which ones? The entire concept of shedding oneself of imperfections is very beneficial. If it were possible to completely bring this sect temples, teachers and all all around to world and not too much of it's secrets made common knowledge it has serious potential to stand up and give Buddhism global presence. Keeping a secret is also a virtue that many of us should learn. I fear however that over time Vajrayana might become diluted as secrets are made too popular and that if it is followed improperly it has the potential to develop a seriously flawed offshoot. That said, what do I know of Vayrayana? I am merely a student with limited exposure to it. Rev. Scott Luxon ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary. |
Spirit Quest
Haiti help
Dear Rev. Amy, As always, I am thankful to receive your inspiring e-mails. I am especially encouraged by your "Dream Big E-mail". I want to share with you and all others that may read this (it is more than fine for you to share this e-mail with anyone you wish). Let me start by mentioning that I am a Universal Life Church ordained minister. Here in Houston, Texas, we founded a small church with a very big name...The International Church of Mary Magdalene. Like so many others across the globe, my wife of 38 years, Dr. Donna Ashmead, Ph.D, and I, were truly pained to witness the devastation that the earth quake did to Haiti, and watch the human suffering of the people of Haiti. After much prayer, our small church has decided to take on a major crusade to help the people of Haiti. Because Dr. Ashmead and I, are life long educators, we have prayed and decided that the best way we can help is to build a vocational training school in Port Au Prince, to teach Haitians construction related skills for the re-building of their country. We will incorporate in the next few days, The Haiti Institute of the Island College of the Caribbean. We will immediately apply for IRS 501 (c) tax exempt status for the non-profit organization. In addition to the carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrical, we will also start a "Bicycle Re-building and Re-pair Project...and a community health and nursing program. Please ask that others pray for us and if they wish to be part of our voluntary efforts with our Haiti Institute...please write us. Haitians speak creole (French-English-African language) We will need to teach in both languages. Again, Rev. Amy, thank you for all you do and for your always positive messages. With Love, Rev. B. Fred Ashmead Houston, Texas.******************************* The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use. The ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Chaplaincy Studies
Chaplaincy Course Essay By Michael L Disney Introduction First I'd like to begin my final essay with a brief Introduction and/or background to my 'calling', which wasn't to be a Chaplain – or at least so I thought at the time. My spiritual journey began as a young child with parents concerned enough for the spiritual well-being of us two boys (me and my brother) that they often took us to churches to attend Sunday schools (that were age-based for our ages). I didn't think much of it at the time, but our parents didn't stay for Sunday school classes themselves, or for church services. I questioned it later on, but at the time, I enjoyed the Bible stories and 'refreshments' and meeting new friends my own age. However, being from military family, we moved a lot and so our churches (the on-base chapels for the most part) were not permanent fixtures in my life. I always knew the minister at these base chapels were called "Chaplains", but always figured it was mostly a "military title" or designation. When I was a teenager, dad retired from the Air Force and we "retired" to a small town in North San Diego County in California. One afternoon, an older guy stopped by our house and introduced himself as 'Chappie', a retired Air Force Chaplain who stopped by to visit a 'fellow Air Force retiree' who he heard had just moved into the neighborhood – and of course, it was an instant 'brother in arms' kind of bonding, both having retired from the same branch of service. He was quite cordial, friendly and warm and didn't linger around trying to talk for hours on end – and he simply and quietly wanted to invite us to his local Baptist church the next Sunday, as his guest. We attended and as it turned out, my brother and I became very active in their youth ministries (whereas my parents attended semi-regularly). I was about 13 yrs old at the time. On January 8th, 1967, the day I attribute my spiritual 're-birth', I fully realize that this one-time visit, from a retired Air Force Chaplain, ultimately lead to my becoming 'born again'. So from practically the beginning of my young memory, God has used Chaplains to be very instrumental in paving the way of my spiritual journey. If I become fortunate enough to be called "Chappie" one day, I would feel He would have brought me full circle. While God's Word is a Lamp unto my Feet, I now feel that the Lamp was being "kept" (held) by a Chaplain at key points in my life! Which leads me to my next section in the essay … what did I learn from this course. Immediately, I learned that the word Chaplain comes from the Christian tradition and the word 'capella' or cloak was a type of garment that was shared by St Martin with a person in need; over time this 'cloak' became a 'relic' and relics and sacred things were kept in "chapels"; and those who ministered in chapels were seen as "keepers of that which is Sacred". This is so true and I lived this reality for all those teenage (& following) years … but never knew what it MEANT! Coming from a military family, Chaplains, as a title, is a house-hold word – but we always knew the Chaplain was the 'keeper of the Sacred'. This course pulled that all together into a clear and cohesive concept – now it seems so 'obvious'! What was especially helpful was the section on "the Call". There are so many times when doubt and discouragement raise their ugly heads to make you call into question, the very idea that God would even care to "call me" into a ministry. The review of how many other spiritual 'pillars' found in the Bible were 'called' and 'set apart' for their ministry, really helped to drill home the point that a calling isn't always just a one-time event, but that a lifetime of ministry is being 'called' into action as well. Knowing that you know, deep inside that I am here to minister to others IS clear – but it is also "quiet". It's a 'calm assurance' inside and not some loud banging, disturbing, saber-rattling noise. This lesson was a 're-affirmation' of the call I believe I received while in college as well as a re-FOCUS on the calling being a lifetime path to follow. The call being so "quiet" at times, I have drifted away from ministry – this course has helped re-establish the 'call'. Another help was in the area of 'crises counseling' and that a "touch" is probably the most powerful comfort 'tool' we have – to connect with a grieving person and to establish the human 'touch', drives home the idea of 'suffering together'. While the loss is their direct and personal loss (2 co-worker's husbands died unexpectedly in the past 90 days) and was able to put this "to the test" immediately. And that you don't have to have a bunch of words to say, or Bible verses to quote or anything else – just a silent presence with an occasional touch speaks so much more to the heart! A solid concept – being accountable – was another excellent area to review from Chapter 13 – "Traps to Avoid". Too often there's the false sense of security and/or protection that being a "keeper of the sacred" that the "carnal nature" will be forced to submit to His Holiness and His Way of thinking. So that chapter was a good review that we are all human and 'fall short of the glory of God' and to be ever vigilant of the traps that are always out there. I'm not sure what more could be done to "improve" the course – as from my perspective, I simply don't have the background and/or experience to know what might be "missing" or taught differently! I am still at the novice level of "Chaplaincy", but not novice at being a minister. Perhaps an additional section or chapter might expound on the typical "duties" a Chaplain is often called upon to perform (I know many Pastors are asked to conduct weddings, funerals, visitation, etc) but I'm not sure CHAPLAINS are asked to do the same things. So a review of a basic wedding ceremony, or funeral ceremony or baptism or other similar duty or function might be useful (even though those topics WERE discussed, perhaps just a little more insight into the planning and coordination; even a sample service/sermon/presentation might have been helpful). Or even as the area of preparations for ministry (e.g, the Tollbox Chapter) was quite helpful, maybe some additional insights into various administrative reports for those to whom the Chaplain reports to, would be nice. I felt the 20 lessons for the course covered a wide-spectrum of areas to discover and as such, was quite effective in opening up the 'Chaplain's World' to us students who wish to pursue a Chaplaincy ministry. What I plan to accomplish following this training is to first, seek out local opportunities to become a "Chaplain Intern" and to work with an established Chaplaincy ministry and be able to offer additional support help and the chance to apply what's I've read and studied about and will learn 'on the job', lessons from real life, real ministry, ministering to real needs. I mentioned earlier that I had a 'calling' back in College and soon thereafter I served in a local church in a full time ministry position (Associate Pastor/Minister of Education) for 2 years as well earning a Master's Degree in Ministries (Christian Education and Counseling). After my 'interning' is complete, I then plan to seek part-time or possibly a full-time local Chaplain position. It is possible that I'll be retiring from my 'secular career' in 2 – 3 years and so continuing to contribute to my community in a ministerial way as a Chaplain would be the ideal situation for me. Putting all these 'pieces' together would be re-focusing on my ministry as I approach those 'golden years' into retirement and being able to leverage my earlier experience and education with more current education and experience and to be a useful vessel unto the Lord as a Chaplain. Rev. Michael Disney ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |