Dear Amy,
Thank you for that sharing of Buddhist as well as Hindu doctrine, I support any earth based belief systems that honor Truth the highest religion there is. My truth is based primarily around, sound is creation creation is sound, I am sacred sound practitioner and I believe we are vessels through which divine energy flows unimpeded, unobstructed and unfettered. Wholistic resonance is the missing link in all so-called belief systems. I feel specific frequencies could re-establish and harmonise the life we know and love. instead of the shot that was heard around the world thus striking fear and destruction!!! We could begin to hear a sound of such harmonics that would open up a way for global resonance, for in the beginning the world began with a sound and this sound was good....
Bright Blessings,
The Rev.Richard Gandiva Lorcan also known
as 'He who walks with thunder or, Thunderwalker and so it is...
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