Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful Quotes - How to Feel at Peace! Peace Love and Happiness….. Inspirational quotes poems for Thanks-giving Day….'for you!'
*"Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return". ~ ~ John Wanamaker
This post is written to wish you a very Happy Thanks-giving, of course! But if you brake down this word, you'll see, just how beautiful the quote above really is!
I'm sure you've heard statistics say, that the holidays can be one of the most loneliness and unhappiest times of the year for many, many people. And as the world is quickly evolving, not to mention, also us human beings, in these changing times, it's the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate what is really important for us and to be thankful for it.
*"Keep a grateful journal. Every night, list five things that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change our perspective of your day and your life." ~~Oprah Winfrey
I wanted this post to be my Happy 'Thanks-giving gift for you'…..so I made a list of practices that I use, to feel more peace in my own life. And finding new ways to feel more grateful can be a pleasure in itself.
1-For myself, keeping a gratitude journey, has become a daily ritual, not only for feeling inner peace, but also, has helped in applying the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF ATTRACTION more successfully. It can help you to attract more of what you want, when first being thankful for what you already have. And writing down what you're thankful for works ten times better, than just thinking it, or saying it.
2-And don't forget how truly wonderful Thankful/Appreciation quotes can be when you need a little picker upper of inspiration
I can assure you that once you get into this habit of gratefulness; you will be feeling more Peace Love and Happiness as each holiday comes rolling along.
*"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~~ Melody Beattie
Even if you're out there, with all the many distractions of planning, shopping, cooking and so on, try to take a few moments to get centered….stop what your doing and take a few nice deep breaths, breathe in LOVE…and think about what this holiday is really all about. It will have you feeling so much more inner peace.
3-As you celebrate this Special American Holiday, joining your family and friends, or maybe not at all, enjoying whatever traditions you like to follow for this day, where many eat turkey, but others may choose not to…. lets learn to accept each others choices. Making no judgments, what so ever, for how anyone may choose to celebrate it. That's a blessing in itself for one another!
4- As soon as you wake up in the morning, take a moment to sit in bed before you begin your day, by really appreciating the aspect of just being alive. If you're not feeling good about the holidays, just be aware of why they even came about. And I think we all know that, traditionally, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general.
*"The Pilgrims came to America not to accumulate riches but to worship God, and the greatest wealth they left unborn generations was their heroic example of sacrifice that their souls might be free". ~~Harry Moyle Tippett
If for some reason holidays are difficult for you, can you look at this just a little differently? If you are joining others for Thanksgiving Day, or any time what so ever, and you want to feel at peace with others…..
5- Lets say, you are giving your normal greeting to another…the 'Happy Thanksgiving Day' wish, maybe even a hug, but just before you do this, try making eye contact.
Do you know that when you connect with someone in this way you can actually get in touch with their soul? But putting it more simply, you just connect…you feel a much closer, warmer feeling with this person.
Something we don't usually think about. By doing this, you're conveying to them they are special enough to take that second to connect. You can actually feel better yourself…because you acted from the goodness of your heart.
6-If this seems a little difficult, because you may not be looking forward to spending time with some of your relatives; maybe you can look at this in a simple way….. That it's 'just for today.'
When you know that something isn't forever, you seem to adjust to it much easier. And it never hurts, to think in this way. It can actually help you stay focused on what is good, and enjoyable while in their company.
Everyone has beauty inside them, if you take the time to look for it.
Everyone has beauty inside them, if you take the time to look for it.
*"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some". ~~Charles Dickens
More…. click-Thankful/Appreciation Quotes.
7- If you stay grateful for the little things, whatever beauty is surrounding you, and also towards the people that you chose to be with. You may just see things you wouldn't have noticed, if things were always perfect. Try 'staying in the moment'….enjoy everything possible as if was your first gathering together. AS a child would see it, if it were their first Thanksgiving Day…. as you mingle, and 'stay present'.
*"Pride slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves." ~~ Henry Ward Beecher
8-And lastly….Put a little humor in your life as often as you can. The more we smile, and laugh, the healthy, happier and more peaceful we feel!
This awareness you've been reading, was not only intended for people that find holidays difficult, but for all of us, all the time, so that we can begin seeing those great positive, peaceful changes in ourselves. So that we're sure to feel more of that peace love and happiness, which I talk about so often….especially, as we practice the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF ATTRACTION more successfully in our lives!
Thank you for the beauty you have woven into the tapestry of my life…..for you, just being here. I am grateful!
Wishing you the Happiest Thanksgiving Day ever!!!
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